

inZOI Canvas Top 10 Event Winners

Greetings, inZOI players! 

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated so passionately in the Canvas Top 10 Event.

This event ran from August 21, 2024, 04:00 to August 26, 2024, 00:00 (UTC),

and we have selected the final winners from the Top 10 most popular entries uploaded to Canvas during this period.  

We are deeply grateful for your incredible support for inZOI: Character Studio and Canvas,

and we can't wait to share more exciting updates with you in the future.

※Check below for the list of winners who will receive the "AR Company Welcome Kit."

Thank you.   

Best regards, The inZOI Team 

Canvas Top 10 Event Winners Announcement

Canvas Nickname

※Certain parts of Canvas nicknames in the list of winners have been masked with an asterisk (*).

※ The upload that ranked 10th place was created by an influencer who already received the gift set by participating in the Play Test 
and therefore was excluded from the winner's list. Instead, the 11th place upload was selected as the final winner.

Prize Schedule and Distribution Information for Winners

A link to the consent form for prize delivery will be sent to the email address registered with your KRAFTON ID.

Please complete and submit the consent form by September 30th .Prizes will be sent out collectively before October 31st.

※Any changes to the delivery schedule or other details will be communicated through this notice.

📍 Guidelines 

  • Accounts that participated in the pre-test or the gamescom demo will not be eligible for the Top 10.
  • If you are selected as a winner, the Company may contact you via the email address registered with your KRAFTON ID to notify you of the win and (if applicable) guide you through the necessary follow-up procedures.
    Please ensure that the email registered with your KRAFTON ID is correct when participating in the event. If you do not receive the email due to incorrect information or if you delete the received email, the notification will not be resent.
  • To provide prizes (verify winner information, deliver prizes, handle taxes which will be paid by the company, and offer related customer support services), the Company may additionally collect and use the winner's personal information 
    such as name, address, contact details, and a copy of their ID. In such cases, a separate procedure for consent to the collection and use of personal information will be conducted. 
  • If the Company cannot reach the winner within one month from the date the winning email is sent, or if personal information is not submitted or is inaccurate leading to the return of the prize, the event win may be canceled.
  • Your win may be canceled if any of the following is confirmed.
    1) Copyright infringement 2) Violation of terms and the Canvas Content Agreement
  • The company may process your personal information to run event promotions smoothly.
  • This event follows the official rules.